We are grateful for these exceptional life-affirming endorsements. If you want to add your own words of support for our vision and mission, please feel free to contact us with your endorsement and we'll add it to the list!
I am excited to support the work of The Guiding Star Project in building up a comprehensive Culture of Life!
The Guiding Star vision of creating holistic women's centers is something that resonates with my heart as I have longed to work in a place that truly strives to meet the needs of women facing decisions about their health and family planning in a natural and empowering way.
Their call for the pro-life and pro-women movements to work together is a progressive and powerful next step in ending abortion in our country. I encourage everyone who cares about women and ending abortion to support this project and the important work they do.
Abby JohnsonAuthor of unPlanned and Foundress of And Then There Were None 
The vision of The Guiding Star Project is to honor and empower women by establishing Centers that will teach them about their natural fertility, mothering abilities, and feminine genius. Guiding Star views women as beautiful and strong and believes that with the proper support and encouragement any woman can make decisions that better our society.
I too believe that women deserve better options than what we are currently offered at Planned Parenthood and other places that claim to serve women’s health needs. Guiding Star’s Model of cooperation between pro-women and pro-life groups meets the true healthcare needs of women in a holistic way and does not demand that they separate their femininity from their educational and career goals. By combining the specialties of many different groups in one convenient location, Guiding Star Centers will be able to help a wide variety of women and address the many needs in creating a Culture of Life.
I support the vision of The Guiding Star Project and pray that someday soon we will see these centers opening up all across this nation.
Lila RoseFoundress and President of LiveAction 
The Guiding Star Project is the ideal environment for fostering what Blessed Pope John Paul II called a "culture of life." By using a natural and holistic approach, centers like these can coordinate services and offer women ethical medical care and family support, counseling, and education spanning the natural life cycle. After years working in a clinic that viewed new life as inconvenient and expendable, it is refreshing to learn of an innovative and life-affirming project like this that can truly guide mothers and families toward a healthier, holier life together.
Jewels GreenFormer abortion clinic worker turned pro-life advocate and regular blog contributor at LiveAction.org 
Imagine a place where women’s life-giving and life-nurturing abilities are embraced and supported, where natural law that acknowledges the sanctity of all human life is integrated into services and supports, and women, men, children, and our families and communities are further strengthened. Can you imagine it? I can. And it looks like the Guiding Star Project.
As an abortion survivor, I can only imagine how different my life, my biological mother’s life, and truly my entire family’s lives could have been, if only someone would have been there to support them 35 years ago, when instead of walking through a life-affirming center’s doors, they walked through the doors of a hospital for a saline infusion abortion. I can only imagine how different our lives could have been if only a comprehensive health center, like the model that the Guiding Star Project has boldly envisioned and is prepared to help organizations and individuals implement in their own communities, would have existed.
My life, my biological parents and their families’ lives may not have been able to be impacted by the presence of life-affirming services and supports and comprehensive health services, but other lives, other families, can be served in a way that my family was not. That’s why I am so impressed by the Guiding Star Project’s vision for bringing about a culture of life through nationwide holistic, comprehensive centers, offering life affirming services.
Thank you, Guiding Star Project for offering the vision to better serve the needs of women, children and families, and provide the opportunity for individuals and organizations to use their resources wisely to make a difference and create lasting cultural change!
Melissa Ohden LISW, Abortion Survivor, Founder of The Abortion Survivors Network, Pro-Life Speaker and Activist, Writer 
During my 10 years of travels as a music missionary, I have been privileged to meet many courageous individuals who have been given a burning desire to make the world a better place. It’s inspiring to see how their lives become like candles in the darkness of suffering, poverty, and injustice—and how it is possible to change the world one person at a time. However, in the face of widespread economic crisis, it’s easy to become disheartened by the complexity of the multi-layered problems and urgency of needs associated with building a just and moral society and caring for its members. How often the unsung heroes of our society feel as though they are alone!
What if we brought together these amazing people—these individuals, these organizations, these missions—who are by themselves, singing a beautiful song that only a few people are privileged to hear? What if these independent melodies could join together and become a chorus of change, a symphony of solidarity? Imagine the power of the beauty that would come forth when, no longer divided, no longer trying to carry the melody on their own, these people chose to work together to make the world a better place? But who will bring these beautiful people together—how can this be done? I believe that this is the mission of The Guiding Star. Like the conductor of a symphony, The Guiding Star seeks to gather together the individuals and organizations who can together be more instrumental in serving the needs of others to build a culture of life.
In my faith as a Catholic Christian, I remember that Joseph and Mary struggled to find anyone who would welcome their family in Bethlehem at the time of crisis when Mary was about to give birth to Jesus. After his birth in a cold cave, they faced imminent danger and threats upon their safety with the political agenda of Herod in his bloodthirsty quest for power. Like the little star of Bethlehem that helped lead the angels and shepherds and wise men to come meet and care for this newborn child—the Guiding Star helps lead and unite the efforts to serve mothers, fathers, and children in their vast array of needs.
On a personal note, I am grateful for the efforts of the Guiding Star in helping to fundraise for my current album in progress, "Culture of Life," which will seek to address and shed light upon the many interconnecting issues related to building a culture of life. Thank you, Guiding Star, for allowing me—for inviting us all—to share in your mission!
~Danielle RoseMusic missionary. Her newest album, Culture of Life, which GSP sponsored was released Fall 2012. Her other 4 albums are available through wlpmusic.com, itunes, amazon.com, & daniellerose.com In my faith as a Catholic Christian, I remember that Joseph and Mary struggled to find anyone who would welcome their family in Bethlehem at the time of crisis when Mary was about to give birth to Jesus. After his birth in a cold cave, they faced imminent danger and threats upon their safety with the political agenda of Herod in his bloodthirsty quest for power. Like the little star of Bethlehem that helped lead the angels and shepherds and wise men to come meet and care for this newborn child—the Guiding Star helps lead and unite the efforts to serve mothers, fathers, and children in their vast array of needs.
On a personal note, I am grateful for the efforts of the Guiding Star in helping to fundraise for my current album in progress, "Culture of Life," which will seek to address and shed light upon the many interconnecting issues related to building a culture of life. Thank you, Guiding Star, for allowing me—for inviting us all—to share in your mission!

The mission of the Guiding Star Project is essential to revealing the beauty inscribed in woman. She has a genius all her own, and when any woman is diminished, the world suffers a particular privation. Congratulations on a fine project!
Genevieve KinekeAuthor and Speaker - The Feminine Genius 
The Guiding Star Project is a wonderfully bright spot in the dismal world that is today's version of "women's healthcare." They encourage women to trust themselves and their bodies, all while working hard to provide a safe environment to teach women the necessary skills they need to stand up for themselves and their families and become Guiding Stars. In a society that tells women they need to be broken in order to be "fixed," GSP reminds us that we are perfect just the way we are.
iuseNFP.com A new website by women, for women. www.iusenfp.com